In a team: Continuous Phone number database of ideas from employees on the organization of processes. Analysis of the recommendations and application of useful solutions. Delegation of competent authority. Planning, strict compliance with the chosen plan. Establishment of clear tasks, broken down into subsets. Discussion and explanation of goals and Phone number database . Participants must understand the overall objectives and their role in achieving them. Personal work with each participant. Pay attention not only to the work problems of the group member, but also to their experiences, problems and joys. Reduce the number of conflicts in the team Phone number database interaction can give rise to conflict situations . In teamwork, the nature of the interaction between the participants Phone number database be ignored.
Any conflict destroys the Phone number database of the community, distracts and takes away time to focus on important tasks. Means to avoid conflict situations in the team: Define clear rules of conduct. Build them together with group members. Loyal and flexible attitude of the leader towards all participants. It is important to avoid the specials , the favourites, the Phone number database , the extremes . Group training, creative tasks and games. Uniform standards in equipment for all, taking into account the functional characteristics. A clear and equitable scale of responsibility for the violation of the rules. Suppression of intrigues, monitoring of the formation of subsets, Phone number database of the nature of the relationship between all participants. Keep control of team emotions. Make adjustments to the nature and style of team interaction. Balance workload and rest. Community members should not be Phone number database in a state of fatigue. Phone number database of team functions An important aspect of team success is effective role management .
Each is Phone number database to play a role according to their abilities. When distributing roles in the team, the following must be taken into account: Specificities of the field of activity, peculiarities of the objectives and tasks. The professional level of a person and the adequacy of their skills to the functions of a given position. Emotional and Phone number database level. Perspectives of future changes. There are currently a large number of tests and tasks on the subject of building a competent role assignment strategy. These help to make an accurate portrait of the participants, to determine the degree of fulfillment of the tasks in the group. Clear Phone number database of duties for the team The collective must act according to unified rules . The order of reward and responsibility must be clearly defined, and apply equally to all participants. Team rules and procedures should be laid out in detail. Each member of the team should be fully briefed on her responsibilities. Maintain natural Phone number database between the team Productive teamwork is the result of a group of people ,