Communication with the detractor, thus tackling the problem at the root. It is essential to establish the tone of the conversation. This can be phone number list informative, neutral or, on the contrary, have a more social character, everything will depend on the nature of the crisis, as well as on the organization's own image. It is not the same to respond to a dissatisfied buyer due to the delay in the delivery of the product, than to deal with a case of poisoning due to the ingestion of a product in poor condition. To know how to deal with a reputation crisis, it is important that you take into account the following aspects: acknowledge the problem and assume phone number list responsibility, always be sincere and display honesty. Ask for forgiveness, empathize with those affected and show understanding.
Offer a viable solution to the best of your ability. Use diplomacy as the main battle weapon, act with patience and always respect the user's opinion, even if he is wrong, do not impose your reason. Never provoke or aggravate the situation, or take phone number list in useless discussions, which you know will lead to nothing. Run away from censorship. Do not delete phone number list negative comments, as long as they are not insults or derogatory messages. In the event that it is necessary to delete this type of comment, notify the community that this series of actions is being carried out. When? In these cases, the speed of reaction is of vital importance. You have to take charge of phone number list conversation as a matter of urgency, which is not an obstacle for there to be a previous meditation, each step must be well calculated.
Constantly generate content, maximize your presence. Keep in mind that you have to offer useful answers, transparency must be total. Above all, you must always keep users informed. Forget any shadow of manipulation, thereby avoiding the phone number list of assumptions and speculation on the matter, you must provide concrete, verified data and provide the resources so that they are easily verified by the recipients. Where to get your message out? There are many channels to spread the message, both own and available on the network. A good method is to create an internal page on our website, optimized for search engines, dedicated exclusively to phone number list information on this topic, and keep it updated. In this way we will be able to position it in the main search engines, in such a way that our information is the first that users find.